For machine tools that can only be loaded from the front, we offer a sophisticated solution with the electric transfer carriage. You can switch between automated and manual operation in a matter of seconds. And all this without any disruptive installation on the hall floor, as the necessary mechanics are built into the transfer carriage.

Quick change between automation and manual operation in seconds
No disruptive installation on the hall floor required, as the necessary mechanics are built into the sliding trolley
Simple operation with two-hand operation
Workpieces are clamped on pallets and stored and retrieved with the pallet in the machining center. The flexible production system is ideal for small quantities or heavy handling weights and makes it possible to automate almost all clamping systems.
The pallet is no longer required for parts handling. The workpiece or finished part is fed directly into the machining center using a gripper. This type of automatic machine feed is recommended for large quantities with low weight.